Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Creeper was In

Creeped out a lot of nice folks at the Artomatic "Meet the Artist" night.  Was only planning on working from 7-9, but ended up going from 6-9:45.  Those that hung out for their five minute portrait got to "chill with the creeper" and look at my most recent sketchbook.  I plan on creeping out the space again next Friday from 7-9.

1 comment:

  1. Creepy G,

    I had a chance to visit the exhibit at Artomatic and was slightly creeped, but much more intrigued. I write for a local arts and culture blog that is in the process of expanding its original content. We would love to feature an interview with the D.C. Creepers. Below, I have included the link to the blog as well as a link to my personal site (which highlights talented artist across the creative spectrum) in a hopes that some of the current posts will assist in my effort to persuade.

    Please respond to!/ (arts and culture blog) (my blog)

    Best Regards,


Thanks for getting in touch with the creeper.