Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Artomatic 2012 in Crystal City is gonna get seriously creeped.  No doubt.

Check out the space on the 11th floor and keep an eye peeled for an upcoming reception night.


  1. Hi Tommy and Eric! I just wanted to say how much I really LOVED your exhibition at Artomatic. I was totally blown away by it, and inspired. I would love to talk with you more about it, if either of you get a moment - I'm just starting to get into sketching (and painting) myself and would love to pick your brains. Seriously cool stuff, guys! Do you guys have Creeper contact info?

    Cheers - Heidi

    1. Come to the reception on the 8th. I'll beat the space from 7-8:30 creeping the joint up. Should be a splendid evening. Bring your sketchiness, would love to see. Cheese and crackers.

      Eric (Creepy G)


Thanks for getting in touch with the creeper.